Source code for

Module holding functions for a quantitative comparison of groupings
from sklearn import metrics

from .spatial import get_groups as get_spatial_groups

[docs]def social_vs_spatial(node_locations, soc_membership, **kwargs): """ This method relies on the :func:`~.sklearn.metrics.homogeneity_completeness_v_measure` method form the :obj:`.sklearn.metrics` package. .. seealso:: | V-Measure: | A conditional entropy-based external cluster evaluation measure | Andrew Rosenberg and Julia Hirschberg, 2007 | Parameters ========== node_locations: dict(int, tuple) Specify for each node (key) its position (value) in the form of a (x, y) tuple. soc_membership: dict Holds for each node (key) the social group affiliation (value). **kwargs All keyword arguments forwarded to :func:`.spatial.get_groups` Returns ======= homogeneity, completeness, v-measure: tuple Homogeneity, completeness and v-measure as computed by the :func:`~.sklearn.metrics.homogeneity_completeness_v_measure`. """ nbr_clusters = len(set(soc_membership.values())) spatial_membership = get_spatial_groups( node_locations, nbr_clusters, **kwargs ) nodes = sorted(soc_membership.keys()) # create lists for both memberships with the same ordering _soc_membership = [soc_membership[node] for node in nodes] _spat_membership = [spatial_membership[node] for node in nodes] h, c, v = metrics.homogeneity_completeness_v_measure( _soc_membership, _spat_membership ) return h, c, v